Bomb Voyage! This Story Is Explosive!

Let’s embark on a little thought experiment, shall we? Imagine it’s a serene Saturday morning. You rise from your bed, still a little groggy, but since you got to sleep in, you’re generally feeling refreshed and fantastic. You slip on your trusty Hello Kitty slippers, swallow your pride, and exit the bedroom.

You make your way to the kitchen for breakfast, humming an annoyingly catchy tune. Grabbing a box of cereal, you sing to yourself, “Oppa Gangnam Style.” But as you take a seat at the table, you realize, tragically, there’s nothing to read. Remembering the local newspaper awaiting outside, you make a beeline for the front door. Stepping into the driveway, however, you’re met with a shocking sight: two pipe bombs resting on your front lawn. What on earth do you do?

Whatever your response, I wager it’s far more sensible than what unfolded in Hempstead, New York. There, a bus driver faced this very predicament and opted for arguably the worst course of action imaginable. Instead of waiting for assistance, she took it upon herself to transport the bombs to the police.

Reports indicate she wrapped the devices in blankets, stowed them in her vacant school bus, and set off towards the nearest police precinct. En route, she dialed authorities on her cellphone, declaring, “I have a school bus filled with explosives!”

Yikes. Does this bus driver realize the gravity of her actions? I mean, do idiots have the brain capacity to recognize they don’t have the brain capacity?

Perhaps there were warning signs – the inability to differentiate “your” from “you’re,” a penchant for typing in all caps, or even an appreciation for recent Adam Sandler flicks.

Hell, somebody probably put those pipe bombs on her lawn to rid the world of her idiotic existence.

One cannot discount her bravery, though. Faced with a potentially lethal threat, I’d scream at the top of my lungs, dive in the opposite direction, and crawl under a car. I wouldn’t try to wrap the bomb in a warm fleece blanket.

Yes, she tucked in that bomb like a newborn baby. Did she really think she could prevent it from detonating if it took a little nappy-poo?

Honestly, if she can’t discern between a child and a bomb, should she really be entrusted with the safety of a busload of kids? She was five minutes away from diapering the explosive. Though, truth be told, a diaper might have made more sense. At least diapers can handle some explosions.

And after all that nonsense, the woman was not arrested. They let her slide, because, well, she had good intentions. She did, however, lose her job. Although she is probably mortified, she shouldn’t be. She has other employment opportunities on the horizon…

Next year you can catch her on the silver screen alongside Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock, attempting to keep a bus above 50 miles per hour.

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May 13 3:51 am

Yes, and I saw ALL the videos. They're really good! 😀

May 13 3:47 am

Haha thanks for asking! People do ask that but no, they're not mine. I was walking with my boyfriend in the city sort of near a park, and this lady was waiting outside with her cute little pups. She didn't mind us taking a photo 😀

May 13 3:46 am

This is what happens when you don't let natural selection take it's course. I bet this dumbass was supposed to die young so she couldn't give birth to more idiots, but was saved by the medical miracle.

May 13 3:40 am

Heh, heh *still laughing* :3

It's alright. We're all dumb sometimes anyhoo~ 🙂

May 13 3:31 am

Don't worry, I'm only referring to the awful hackers. xD
By the way, I love that Womanizer video!

May 13 3:26 am

thanks! but sadly i dont know how to make fonts so.. yeah. no chance. thanks for the drop though 🙂

May 13 3:24 am

thanks! followed you too. haha. yay for google lovers! (?) it's chi-wee btw. haha

May 13 3:24 am

yay! glad to know you're back now. would you like to still be affiliates? sorry I deleted your link coz you were inactive. but I'd like to put you back..:)

May 13 3:20 am

I agree do stupid people known they're stupid?

And thanks for your comment 😉
I forgot those chips(for good =P)
And now she's not making us eat chips anymore,'cause it's "salty" and we might be sick from eating "slaty" junk foods =P

May 13 2:56 am

wow that's woman's crazy. haha :)) i guess stupid people do not know that they're stupid. haha 😀

May 13 2:48 am

No, no I mean she broke the fuse when she yanked the cord out with her foot. XD XD

May 13 1:59 am

Hahaha. That woman was pretty dumb to even touch it. I would call the police straight away. Even though I don't know what a bomb looks like XD That was such a dangerous thing to do though U_U

I love that movie! XD

Oh haha, I think my friend must have yanked the plug pretty damn hard… XD

May 13 1:08 am

that woman was so cute. hahahh.. i wonder what's in head..
dad and i are also wondering bout that..if stupid people know theyre stupid. my dad and i always wonder together. lol.
*i enjoyed reading your 'about menace page'. YAY!

May 13 1:08 am

Haha, thanks 😛 Yours looks nice too.

Wow, that's stupid, but it does remind me of Speed, lol

May 12 10:46 pm

WOW, you're back! Where'd you go?

I'm going to find a different medicine for sure, if I take any, which I'll probably have to because my anxiety & stuff is really bad. And I want my weight to go back down so bad.

Oh my, that woman is dumb, haha. Who picks up bombs? FOR REAL! Lol. I think it's good that she lost her job, they obviously thought that she was dumb as well, lol.

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