Congrats! Your Hurricane is a Boy!

Why on earth do Hurricanes have names? I can understand giving names to planets, household pets, and maybe even male genitalia, but it makes no sense to give names to tropical storms.

Isn’t it a tad distasteful to be on a first-name basis with an evil whirlwind of doom? I mean, we don’t give names to tornadoes, snowstorms, earthquakes, blizzards, or any other natural disaster… So why not just say there’s a hurricane coming? That’d do it for me.

Per my research, back when this started, there were only female names. My guess is some salty sailor dudes did all the naming. Yeah, they were probably a bunch of disgruntled losers trying to get even with the women who reduced their lives to rubble (get it?).

These days, hurricanes are assigned a mix of both male and female names, because equality, right? The current lineup for 2009 is Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Erika, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Joaquin, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, and Wanda.

Hold up. Let’s talk about these names for a minute. They are way too passive. Hurricane Mindy? Who’s going to take a warning about Hurricane Rose seriously… she sounds like my welcoming grandmother. And boy oh boy, nothing sounds more catastrophic than Hurricane Grace.

If we must name hurricanes, we should give them names that strike fear into our hearts. I’d be much quicker to heed the warning for Hurricane Psycho-Killer-Demon-Possessed-Alien-Little-Kid-Zombie-Fleshed-Porcelain-Doll-Decepticon.

But with a name like Fred, you’d think the hurricane was a playful puppy or a kindly Uncle. People should not be sympathizing with swirling storms. And if scary names are too trauma-inducing, I have another pitch. How about derogatory names that better characterize their rude nature?

Picture it: One season might start out with Hurricane Asshole, and then continue with Hurricane Beeotch, and then finally wrap up with Tropical Depression Crackhead. You can’t deny that this would liven up weather reports…

“Now Bob with the weather. Bob, it looks like Hurricane Dickwad is headed right for the Florida Keys.”

“That’s right, Jim. What a prick.”

Wouldn’t that be fantastic? And if we adopted this naming convention, we’d have enough insults to last for decades. Of course, if we ever ran out, or just for variety, we could always switch to German.

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Jul 22 11:54 am

I think they name hurricanes so that it's easier to refer back in their archives. That is all.

Simple, passive names are chosen so as not to scare people any more than they need to be, no?

Jul 19 10:55 am

"Isn't it weird to be on a first-name basis with an evil whirlwind of doom?"

Quote of the day! You're hilarious dude.

I wonder how you come up with these topics though. So hilarious! I don't think I'd be able to come up with something this creative and off the wall and then make it into something funny!

Jul 18 9:32 am

Hello, thank you for joining my rotation! If you want, you can join my icon contest at my graphic site, and try to win more credits for the rotation!


Jul 18 6:56 am

Same same same same. Why name them?! It's not as if they're friendly and need names is it? Can't we just date them, the hurricane of march 2nd or what have you. ;( They're not children.

Oh and I tried your tutorial but it broke my site somehow so I used a different method :L

Jul 17 2:45 pm

Hey, I'm back 😀

I've always found it weird to name hurricanes.. whats the point? and who gets to decide??? hmm??

I agree 🙂 Those names are too nice. It's like.. hurricane fluffy kitten, lol.

Nice nice! I don't think they would say that on live TV though, it might be bleeped out and then nobody would know what to call it! :O


Jul 17 2:28 pm

Oh man, sorry for the late reply 🙁
Yeah giving hurricanes names is really weird, especially a name like Grace! Lol, that one is hilarious.

I agreew ith you there. They should for sure have names that are really insulting like that. We wouldn't want people to underestimate the terribleness of a hurricane, we certainly wouldn't want to make it sound graceful. Lmao.

Jul 16 5:06 am

Haha, that's very true. It is a little strange. I'm not sure if switching to german names is a good idea though. Hurricane Wolfgang and Hurricane Detlef, for example, or not very menacing either! Oh and I updated. Finally :P.

Jul 15 6:25 pm

OMG! I love your .com name (= i peed a little. Hilarious. I know, i'm so behind. But anyways! I've always wondered the same thing. We have a hurricane right now headed down south of Hawaii it's still thousand miles away but it's called "hurricane carlos". You crack me up!

Jul 15 4:32 pm

Um, Justin, YOUR posts always make my day. They're so funny!

Thanks for the twitter link 🙂

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