Is There Truth in Advertising?

The marketing industry has its fair share of deception and bullshit. From “Do-Nothing” infomercials to self-proclaimed “Gurus,” it seems like everyone’s out to beat you up and take your lunch money.

Well personally, I think it’s time to wake up and smell the coffee. If people are begging you for cash, they clearly don’t know how to get rich fast.

And let’s not kid ourselves about those supposed free iPhones. If time equals money, then spending 50 billion hours on online surveys ain’t exactly free.

Sure, I’ll concede that there’s an ounce of truth in advertising. Hell, pharmaceutical commercials are too honest. I mean, have you ever seen those commercials? One minute you’re watching a cheerful montage of newfound vitality, and the next you’re bombarded with a laundry list of potential side effects…

“RELAXOFT may cause nosebleeds, baldness, memory loss, swollen ankles, facial boils, excessive earwax, uncontrollable cursing, an urge to play in the mud, road-rage, snoring while awake, perjury, atheism, and a compulsion to spit at small pets.”

Well, isn’t that lovely? Next time, I think I’ll just tough out the headache.

All of these side-effects lead to bigger questions. Like, if I’m feeling under the weather and my partner offers me medicine, should I fight him? Should I slap it out of his hand? After all, the medicine might have caused the sickness in the first place.

And while pharmaceutical ads get points for partial honesty, they’re not entirely off the hook. In many other ways, they’re just as confusing and misleading. For example, they often feature scenes unrelated to the product.

Vagisil commercials have cheerleaders performing routines. Male enhancement commercials have politicians playing golf. Every herpes commercials can be summed up as: “I have herpes.” “I don’t.” “Let’s ride bicycles.”

Ultimately, when it comes to medication, I don’t pay much attention to the advertisements. It’s best to let the doctors decide what’s right for me. They usually know what they’re talking about. Well, emphasis on usually. I once had a doctor whose office plants were always dead. I couldn’t help but wonder if I could trust him with my life.

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Jun 30 8:33 am

Hehe, so true. Most pharmaceutical commercials are 20 seconds of cautions and warnings and only 10 seconds of what the drug is good for.
LOL I haven't seen that herpes commercial yet, but "let's ride bicycles" ?!
Regarding the links, I'll put yours up right away 🙂

Jun 30 7:53 am

haha, i always get a kick out of those commercials with the 9583409238 side effects. "oh, and there is a chance of death." or something crazy like that. um, no thanks! i guess they have to tell you that, though.

Jun 29 11:11 pm

Aw, only my exam went bad, but the course was pretty fun sometimes!
I wish there were such things as free iPods, but there are no free iPods. Just really nice ones for $400. 🙁 Haha, I've seen those commercials where they talk about the side effects! And they say it pretty fast and softly so you might not hear it.

Jun 29 8:57 pm

Ahaha, there were 123 comments. >.< Until I posted. I ruined the awesomeness.

xD No fair.

Jun 29 6:55 pm

Hahahaha, I love your list of side effects. If any medication I took listed those, then yeah, I'd rather stay sick. Spitting at small pets = not cool.

Jun 29 6:27 pm

I was reading the last line of your blog really fast and thought it said "I had a doctor whose pants were always down".

I was about to suggest therapy.

…..Let's link exchange!

Jun 29 4:09 pm

Lmao. Yeah the one thing about drug commercials is like half the time, the side effects are worse than the actual problem…or the problem is one of the side effects o-o

PS I love that herpes commercial!

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