Short on Patience, Long on Words

What is with our passion for abbreviations? And while we’re at it, why is “abbreviations” such a long word?

I firmly believe in spelling out words entirely. Chatspeak is a last resort for me, reserved for those who don’t deserve the effort. For example, if I were typing a breakup email (yes, I’m an awful person), it might read something like this…

Sup Ex,

Yes, u hurd me… U r my ex now. We r thru. It’s ur fault. U shouldn’t have wlkD away aftr our fyt. Y did u leaV? Y did u do dis 2 me? If u reply 2 dis letta, I dnt care f u say u will BRB or BBL. The fact is dat u rly said TTFN. Omg. I m seriS. I m nt LOL… nor m I ROFL or LMAO… I m nt evn ROFLMFAO. IMO, I honestly <3’d u. U wr my qt. U made me say ILY. U hurt me. WTG, jerk. FML.

I wish I knu the 411. Nt every1 n the wrld has ESP. It all hapnd so fast… 1 day I was @ the comp, but thN, I went AFK to vzit u. And as I went n 2 ur home, wut did I c? I saw u and ur other luvr. I wuz ^set. I ran 2 anoth AVE, BLVD, RD, ETC… I jst had 2 get 4, 4 away. The runN made me lose a lot of lbs (IE. APPROX 2).

@ home, my ETA wuz 4:00 PM. I prolly ran @ a pace of 1k MPH. Not dat u care tho. U always had a lo IQ. N e wA, here’s the surpriz: I filmd u cheatin on me. LOL! Take dat! Wld u like a copy on VHS or DVD? Uhh… well… no 1 rly uses a VCR n e mor, but I’ll gladly make a VHS 4 ur parNts. Yes, dey gt a copy. ROFL. FYI, now u r the 1 dat is SOL. Dey will gt 2 watch evry sec of it. The day I send it is TBA. Liv n’ fear!

O, no need 4 thx… I’ll gladly say yw n advance.
RSVP 4 ur doom ASAP! (BYOB)

Ur Ex Luvr


Okay, I lied. That took way more effort than writing the actual words.

I think I’ll ditch the shortcuts and cutesy initials. In terms of communication and a clearer exchange of ideas, it’s just better PR.

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Jul 24 2:10 am

Oops my comment got cut off. Anyways, thanks for the explanation haha. Tholse are really weird though. The BLVD and stuff… :S

Jul 24 1:54 am

I m nt LOL… nor m I ROFL or LMAO… I m nt evn ROFLMFAO


Good job =D

Jul 24 1:47 am

Haha yes I guess so! 😛 I think it's very easy to get it haha. Chatspeak's everywhere in this world, so obviously I can't blame you, no haha.

Meaghander At My Butt
Jul 23 11:03 pm

So that they could send me to boarding school in Switzerland D;

Ha not really. We're going to Seattle & Canada. They're finding affordable tickets to get to Seattlee :]

Meaghander At My Butt
Jul 23 9:14 pm

Sorry! I went away for a while & forgot to set my away message =/
Then when I wanted to get on, my parents were on looking for plane tickets or something o.o

Jul 23 8:21 pm

Except "E" is actually a vowel, and not a consonant.


Jul 23 8:19 pm

Bleugh. I hate internet speak with the passion of the christ! Sometimes it makes me laugh, but when people use it too much it makes them sound like a lunatic. And whenever I read it, in my head it always sounds like whoever's talking/texting me has their mouth taped shut.

I understand when it's a long group of words you don't want to write, like "talk to you later" or "be right back", but when you type words like "leaV"……'s like……..really? REALLY?

You can't possibly drag your thumb one-26th of an inch over to the #3 dial on your phone and cap that shit off with a consonant?

What IS this tomfoolery?

Jul 23 7:57 pm

I hate your spam protection thing 🙂

Jul 23 6:41 pm

oh gee, it gave me a headache as well. I can't read some of them, I mean, I don't understand some of the words. Or maybe I don't have any idea how to read chat lingo.

If you were sending that letter to me, I would definitely break up with you right away. lol.

Meaghander At My Butt
Jul 23 6:35 pm

We should have more of those AIM convos :0
I don't know how to join rooms by myself =/

Jul 23 5:09 pm

Well the mood died. My sister kept singing and that pisses me off so bad.
I'm dustland92

Jul 23 3:55 pm

Why is this the first I'm hearing of it? Lol what's your screen name?

Jul 23 1:58 pm

You misspelled seriS; it should be srs or something ;o

And that did give me a head ache.

Jul 23 1:54 pm

LMAO. Did you make another "movie?"

Jul 23 12:02 pm

Ah, abbreviations. Honestly, I actually had to google the word before knowing what it meant. I guess, though, I can be forgiven because english is not my first or even my second language. And therefore: english abbreviations – I simply cannot understand them. I know the simple online words like LOL and "etc" but..that's about it 😀

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