Category: News Headlines

The Olympics Needs More Boobs

With the 2012 London Olympics underway, I can’t help but feel the spirit. Unlike other television broadcasts, the Olympics have me so pumped that I’m actively participating. In the past few days, I’ve found myself yelling at the TV screen, recreating gymnastics routines (I almost broke a lamp), Googling all the countries I didn’t know existed, and pondering the possibility that those shiny medals might be chocolate. Talk about a thrill ride! Whoever dreamed up [...]

Elvis Hasn’t Left the Building

Elvis Presley: the man, the myth, the legend. He rocked the 20th century with his powerhouse voice and magnetic stage presence, catapulting from humble beginnings to become the face of a rock and roll revolution. But amidst his meteoric rise to fame, there’s one thing that keeps tongues wagging even today: his mysterious death. Some folks swear he’s still out there, wandering the highways and byways of life, making cameo appearances in the most unexpected [...]

Science Destroyed My Childhood

Around the globe, scientists are hard at work; discovering more and more about the world around us. From peering into the cosmos to unraveling the secrets of our DNA, they’re making waves in fields like astronomy, genetics, and medicine. But unfortunately, amidst all these groundbreaking discoveries, I can’t help but notice that science is slowly destroying my childhood memories. Below is a list of cases where it has given my adolescence the middle finger.   [...]

Pole Dancing for Babies

While surfing the web, I stumbled upon a bonkers article about a Canadian company teaching pole dancing to girls nine years of age… and under. Seriously? Miley Cyrus, what have you started? Now, for those who don’t frequent strip clubs, pole dancing isn’t exactly your typical ballet routine. It’s what erotic dancers do in place of just going up on stage, taking off their clothes, and standing naked. The moves are often suggestive and sexual [...]
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