Category: Educational

Fashion Trends that Must Return

Let’s face it: fashion trends come and go, but some leave a more lasting impression. Sure, we love to poke fun at the leisure suits and shoulder pads of yesteryear, but take a look around today – are we really any better off? We’ve got crocs, man cleavage, rappers bedazzling their teeth, hipster pants so tight they’re practically contraceptives, and everything in Nicki Minaj’s closet. I think we’ve been way too hard on the past. [...]

Science Destroyed My Childhood

Around the globe, scientists are hard at work; discovering more and more about the world around us. From peering into the cosmos to unraveling the secrets of our DNA, they’re making waves in fields like astronomy, genetics, and medicine. But unfortunately, amidst all these groundbreaking discoveries, I can’t help but notice that science is slowly destroying my childhood memories. Below is a list of cases where it has given my adolescence the middle finger.   [...]

3 Bizarre New Years Traditions

I’ve come to a rather unconventional conclusion: every New Year’s tradition was concocted by a lunatic. Seriously, people do some truly bizarre shit when they celebrate. For example, here in America, we guzzle down drinks, swap spit, set off explosives in the sky, and create a racket with pots and pans. Perhaps worst of all, we watch a ball drop (which, let’s face it, sounds a lot like watching puberty). But wait, it gets weirder. [...]

A Grimm Reminder: Tales from the Crib

I often stumble upon news articles lamenting that children witness too much violence on TV. I’m not here to argue whether that’s true or not, but I do think the authors of those articles are hypocrites. I mean, children have always been exposed to traumatizing amounts of violence. Why start caring now? Exhibit A: “Rock-a-bye baby, on the treetop, When the wind blows, the cradle will rock, When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, [...]
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