I engage in a lot of self-dialogue. It took me ages to even realize it was happening. My friends were the ones who pointed it out, and now that I’m aware of it, I’m a bit unsettled. I find myself chatting away as I stroll down the street, sit at my desk, and even while I shop. Heck, I practically host a one-man talk show while on the toilet.
I guess it has its perks. Vocalizing my thoughts helps me bring clarity to what’s happening in my head. It aids my concentration and helps me navigate the world around me. Admittedly, it also makes me look bat-shit insane, but hey, since I probably am, that’s a fair exchange.
But why is it assumed that talking to yourself is a sign of madness? If I’m jabbering away, folks automatically peg me as a candidate for the loony bin. They liken me to Gollum from Lord of the Rings, coveting my “precious.”
It’s not fair. Why can’t I just be my own cheerleader?
Thankfully, I’ve devised a plan to make my “me parties” seem less bizarre. The idea struck me while binge-watching Looney Tunes. In one episode, Bugs Bunny was conversing with a plant to hasten its growth.
This got me thinking about all the cartoons, sitcoms, and even ads that toy with this notion. Does talking to a plant actually expedite its growth? Who cares. All I know is, culturally and socially, it’s more acceptable to chat up a plant than it is to converse with yourself.
So now, whenever I leave my house, I carry a potted plant. It’s an Aloe vera, and her name is Sapniqua. When people hear me gabbing away, they’ll now assume it’s with Sapniqua, and they’ll know I’m not bonkers. Or, well, they’ll know I’m less bonkers.
This arrangement is a win-win. Sapniqua gets the benefit of accelerated growth, a theory supported by many scientists and even the MythBusters crew. When you break it down, the logic is sound. Plants need carbon dioxide to flourish, and when you talk to them, you breathe out carbon dioxide—fulfilling their needs.
Of course, I’m aware it’s not quite that straightforward. Sapniqua’s growth will hinge on numerous factors and conditions. I’ll need to be extremely careful with her.
It’ll be akin to dating her. I’ll need to check in on her, ensure her safety, and shower her with attention. Oh, and I’ll also have to quit talking to the fern next door.
Some may find this peculiar, but let’s not forget I’m not the first person to be overly affectionate with a plant. Hippies have been hugging trees since the ’60s.
Here’s hoping Sapniqua returns the affection. It’d be heartbreaking if she hated me. I mean, what if she prefers to be alone? It’s like the old riddle: if a tree falls in the forest and no one’s around to hear it, does it still want somebody to talk to?
If we get in a fight, is it taboo to buy flowers for my flowers?
As you can see, dating a plant is uncharted territory for me. When it comes to being a plant lover, I’m stumped. It’s a deeply-rooted issue. Okay, fine, I’ll stop with the puns before this grows out of proportion, and I bark up the wrong tree.
Wish me luck. I’d knock on wood, but it might be seen as an act of assault.
yea your right; I'll try next time (:
I think if you seriously talk to a plant, you might be a little crazy. For a crazy person, a little plant growth could look like something substantial. For this reason, talking to plants does work…
That's like the crazy idea that if babies listen to Mozart they'll be smarter… How exactly does listening to classical music make you smarter? Maybe it does, I've never actually checked it out… I probably should before I laugh at the idea :S
I bought my friend a Cactus and I named him Spike. She then re-named him Squishy, but that's beside the point. I bought greenery 😉 I wonder if she talks to him… Hrm.
tell me, how was my about me section!? 🙂
well, let me explain first! i am a anti-hannah K? but the other day i was SO bored that i decided to go to the cinema with my friends. we were like: and now what are we going to see?! and we decided to see how was the film of hannah montana! and it wasn't that bad. 🙂
It's truee !! :D! Lol
Talking to plants DOES make them grow faster!! =P We learnt this is Science a few months ago.
It's not because they think your friends (haha), it's because of the carbon dioxide in your breath when you talk 😀 And Co2 helps with photosynthesis XD!
AHHH, you found out my secret. I am Mother Nature *nods* 😀
As Mother Nature, I like your blog hehe. HUG TREES!!
Oh ha. How are you?
It gets VERY hot out here. Orange County is basically the desert, or er, Mexico. It's not too bad all the time, but it the heat can be a bit suffocating…
I love hugging trees! And talking to my plants! But then I am a vegan, so maybe I'm biased. Ha. Ha… Yeah…
Lmao yeah i clicked on it, and went through a hell of alot of pop ups!
My grandmother is fond of plants,tough i never saw her talking to them o_O
Haha, your blog was quite funny tbh, with all of them little cheesy puns. ^^
I want to get a Fern tree and call it gregory.
I agree with you, before the internet people were probably hooking up with anything that couldn't hit them!
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